In order to share your story, you have to be able to overcome many things, to get there. Sharing your life story, isn’t for the faint hearted and this is what Alchemizes an average woman, into a SPARTANITE. The main component in keeping us from sharing our story, is SHAME.

The Shame of what people will think, how we will be perceived, how we will be judged and what our reputation will end up like. It is a HUGE deal and society, makes it even worse for us. As we start to peel back the layers of shame, we invite a new beautiful emotion.


Courage to face the Truth, once and for all, inside of us. Courage to help and empower others. Courage to live life on our OWN terms.

Last Saturday (30th Sept), I attended an award ceremony that I was double nominated for through the Lioness Awards Foundation, for women who have expressed Brevity, Courage and Resilience in the face of True Adversity. I had the pleasure of hearing many women, speak about their come back from domestic violence, abuse, bereavements, depression and near suicidal bouts.

I am pleased to share that I WON both awards I was nominated for — Best Self Publisher Of The Year 2017 and Best Mentor/Coach Of The Year 2017!!

As I got up to accept my award, my mind froze when I got to the stage 🙁 So I let Belvia (my spirit guide) speak instead! (through me, of course!) And she always likes talking about The Goddess Energy. I didn’t go into my original story of what I have had to overcome to win both these awards, but rather touched on Feminine Empowerment instead of Feminism, that has destroyed most women, sadly.

Winning awards looks like a glamorous thing on the outside, but the story of WHY people win it, is a whole another thing. My instance is one of them.

I overcame loss of a parent, loss of a business, damaged credit, 1000’s of dollars of debt, being completely broke, being hungry because I couldn’t afford food, abusive relationships, sexual assault, depression, mental afflictions of PTSD, cured my (what was said to me by doctors to be impossible to heal) Fibromyalgia and Sludge demon possession that nearly killed me, to get to where I am today. It has been a lonely, yet very rewarding journey to smash all the vault doors that society deems IMPOSSIBLE to break.

I broke all those barriers that held me, and today I do that for all the women who know me.


And I am honoured to have dug the land with my bare hands, to give Future Spartanites a place to walk! It has been such a hard journey, but hopefully reading what  I had to overcome, empowers you to be a SPARTANITE of your own life.

No barrier is impossible to break. NONE.

I want you to ask yourself WHERE are you still holding back on your story and how can YOUR STORY, be used to empower others!

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments below 🙂



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