I spent some time with my Friend in the English Countryside last week and we had a great time. I am writing to you feeling a little more refreshed and settled from my normal routine, and really wished to touch upon something that both of us saw in a documentary that really astounded me. The documentary was a 3 part series about how people living in poverty, actually make ends meet and how they set up very successful businesses with GREAT ambitions and go on to reap the financial rewards. I will speak on the different heartwarming stories each episode provided, however for today—I want to share with you, the story of Kaale, who is based in Western India.

Kaale (he is named that because he is dark skinned, and in Hindi–it would mean dark skinned), is a young man who moved from the village to the City, in hopes of a better life. His story amazed me because I TRULY admired him. His determination and grit to find real gold, was mindblowing. It was Alchemy at it’s finest. This man lived in a house filled with 15 other young men, in complete squalor. That wasn’t about to stop him going after what he wanted. So, he recruited 2 other guys who lived with him, and he would collect the dirty water where goldminers would shower, full well knowing that the golddust would be still swirling in the water. When the price of gold vs the Dollar got higher (which means he got less), he went to measures most people cannot even think of doing.

He woke up at 3 am, took his 2 friends, took off his shirt and trousers, and jumped in the drains, dragging a small bucket with him. He would then go on to sell this sludge to a man who had a full business buying it, and add mercury and other alchemical metals, where they would add and reduce other solutions to purify 24 Karat Gold worth about $800. This was all done in a few days, Kaale would have the money to put on downpayments on a better accomodation for himself as he wanted a free life.

The word free life JUMPED OUT AT ME as he spoke. 

I asked myself many questions—what constitutes of one? And how do we go about getting this? There were many questions that sprang to mind, but the most important one was…

What made Kaale do what he did? WHY?

And the simple answer—was grit, hustle and determination. 

I have said this many times over and often. People in Western countries are BLIND to opportunity because they have this sense of entitlement instead of admiring and appreciating the wonders they possess. Kaale lost sleep, potentially could have lost his life due to disease jumping into drains, but he didn’t give a fuck and he kept going. Entrepreneurship is glorified survival. There is no back up plan. You either fuck with it hard or die. If Kaale could find his golden opportunity (of course pun intended), I am confident, so can you. His ability not to sit and cry that he lived in a shitty, dirty place and just get on with life, is the very reason I will NOT be surprised when I see him in some mainstream news having owned factories, companies and multiple organisations.

I want you to ask yourself—WHAT story do I keep telling myself about WHY I cannot get something?

What is the REAL REASON I am not going after it?

Be like Kaale.

Find YOUR golden opportunity!

I would love to hear your comments below 🙂

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