I had a conversation with someone this morning, who was asking about direction in her career overall, as I was reading for her, and something really interesting came up. As we were talking, she said that she had 5 different ideas and didn’t know what to pick. She was very exasperated and looked flustered and I asked her calmly…

“Why do you feel the need to pick ALL 5?”

She replied by saying that she was good at all of them. I raised my brow, immediately. I remarked, that whilst a woman may be versatile and multi-talented, it is rare to be a jack of all trades and master of none. I then told her to pick ONE thing, and STICK..WITH…IT.

Which brings me to today’s topic…


Focus seems like a little 5 letter word and yet I have always thought it meant FOLLOW ONE COURSE UNTIL SUCCESSFUL (you can make your own variation up!). I often see people NOT financially successful because their mind bounces around like a ball 24/7, chasing after the next shiny object. Modern society has been engineered to be hectic and insane, so that you cannot focus on one thing. Focus is the ULTIMATE key to success, because you do not go off track.

For instance, if the end result doesn’t help me personally with Spartanite, I DO NOT TOUCH IT.

I know a guy who always texts asking if I have traded Forex, or if I have read this book and that book to “get wealthy”—and really, the secret sauce is discipline, focus and commitment. People think Success, is exciting. It is really not. The Journey to Success is the most boring thing you will encounter because it’s like getting up to paint a wall white every single day until the whole house (or block!) is done.

Most people do not have the endurance, patience and VISION–something that I will cover in another topic, because the Cabal have engineered today’s generation to be lazy, entitled and think Success is push button and it comes for free.

People that lack Focus, lack Discipline and when you lack that, you lack everything required. So many women ask me on a daily basis how to improve their finances and I always tell them to SET GOALS VIA FOCUS and run from there. I am excited to be covering this in depth in my upcoming programme—DIVINE FEMININE ABUNDANCE 🙂

I am excited to read your comments below!

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