One of my favourite rituals to design for my wonderful Spartanite clients, especially those who are aggressively ambitious in their career or their businesses, is the Arabian Magickal Money Box.

This box took me practically years to perfect, aligning it with the correct planetary hours, sigils and correct Arabian inscriptions, to basically create a vortex of money to surround you. Often times in life, we wonder where we are going wrong, what we can do to magnetise more OPPORTUNITY towards us, that results in financial gain and most Entrepreneurs I personally know, just turn to sales strategies and simple marketing to “get the job done”. That works…but in the mundane realms only.

As you may be a regular reader of our Spartanite work, or if you have joined us new (welcome!), MONEY has a certain frequency and power that ONLY Occult work, can magnetise. I have seen business owners spin their wheels for years, have seen employed people, been overlooked for promotions and raises, as well as people flat out just struggling. There is a disclaimer that often comes along with this box I design, which is –if you do not have a CONTAINER to collect this money you’re looking for in, the box won’t work and then you will complain “it didn’t work.”. Traditionally, the box takes three lunar cycles to adjust to your energy, after which it kicks into full swing force, attracting clients, customers, good luck, good fortune, positivity and positive cash flow, ON DEMAND.

There is a certain ritual I perform over this beautiful box, (you can request a colour of your choosing) and some small follow up bits that you would need to do once you receive it, but using Arabian Magick + Planetary Magick, this box practically has never failed any of my clients, or neither myself. I would love to post a picture of it, however that picture would not be watermarked, and it will definitely be stolen by someone else, much like a lot of my work –already has, sadly. I would reserve the picture for someone who is seriously interested in this stunning piece of art, that is practically a money storehouse.

After, I designed our Amethyst Wealth Magnetism Bracelet, with major success, clients began asking me if I had anything else to up the ante. This box, is incredible because once you place a certain denomination of money within it, it will cling to the energy of the box and money will begin to EXPAND in your life, whether you are awake or you’re asleep. This box works perfect, whether you have a job, or you run a business–as you can keep it in your place of work, or at home in a safe spot.

If you run a business, this beautiful box will provide you with strong financial inspirations to make your business more profitable, powerful and head in the correct directions. It is armed to the teeth with specific and special Arabian incantations, sigils, and writing that releases money vibrations into the ether, allowing MONEY TO FIND YOU 🙂

If you’re interested in this box, please use the contact form to solicit further information. Investment of box begins at £500 GBP and any additional financial layers, will be discussed, if needed–on a case by case basis. Alternatively, if you have any questions, you can contact us as well 🙂

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