“I don’t acknowledge the work. The work just gets done. Who looks at the price tag when they really want it?” – King Belial


In my workings with the Court, Belial’s insights have provided me some incredibly interesting ways to look at life and reconsider what the human race is taught. Especially, when it comes to money, and, personal success. Belial is usually known for his cocky and grandiose nature – in layman terms, that would be considered overt narcissism in a human, however his power precedes it all. He knows he is top dog at what he does and is not shy in letting anyone know he’s one of the big bosses of his world.

Finding the courage to break the chains and stand up for yourself, goes right back into childhood. It goes back to freeing one’s own self from the shackles of expectations inforced on you through abuse, neglect, abandonment, bullying, emotional fractures, and B’s favourite?


Belial and I, have had legendary arguments and fights in the beginning of our dynamic working together and only through screaming at him like a bratty teenage niece on her period, did I come to discover my ability to pushback one of the fiercest and unquestioned in the legionnaries. Each time, he fixed my perspective from pain and victimhood to valor and undefeated. I learned a lot about his 3 daughters and what his thoughts were on Fatherhood and women – needless to say, it’s been quite a fascinating journey.

A key thing people come to Spartanite for – is something that I am incredibly well known for, and that is confident boldness. The challenge I found was, I could not “teach” my personality and character anymore than someone teaching you the collated strains of how they bundle together to reveal aqua green eyes. It just IS. It is a genetic gift from my Father – one that has put me more in harm’s way than done me any good, however a person does not choose their genetics upon birth, it’s chosen for them.

I kept having people ask me “how I did it..” and I found myself silent as I really had no mathematical equation of HOW it is even done, until I partnered with Belial and Lady Bastet (I find myself obliged to mention her feline workings here…). Belial kept highlighting aspects and angles of boldness that seemingly were natural for me, yet so very hard for everyone else.

Here are 8 wonderful things Belial has shared for us – that I pass on to you today – may the force be with you indeed, and may you find strength, command, and, power in all areas of your life.

1. It’s not a storm, it’s not the end of your life – it’s just a windy day. Adjust and move yourself accordingly. 

2. People build into the light, that’s all they are taught and ever known – on a rotten foundation, mind you. You, you’re different. You go down into the elevator to clear what stands between you and your complete self. Clearing is what brings success. Be capricious about clearing. 

3. No you do not look to influence someone as much as you seek to influence those who influence them. Checkmate. 

4. Be grateful someone wants you dead. It gives meaning to life, Nadia. Imagine how pathetic you must be that nothing you do affects anyone. More pressure, please….Very good. Just like the mongols crushed people beneath their tables to have dinner on top of them, failure is crushed below who you are. Failure doesn’t exist.

5. Most people are in question mode and will never shut up about their victimhood when it’s real advice they require.

6. The only thing you must do is let someone ride your frequency, and capsize their ship if they distort your waves.

7. You need zero people to come to you. You design people like book covers. 

8. 98% of the time the block is in your question. What type of magickal work can be done for you, if you’re not clear about your 2%

Want B in your corner to help you with life survival strategy?

Let’s talk!

For serious mentoring enquiries, spiritual/business consultations, writing projects, and, custom ritual work – feel free to reach out for assistance

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