“Perhaps if people just knew what these screens have turned them into, they’d care. …ah but they wouldn’t. There is little cure for apathy, mind control, and, numbness” – Me, Nadia Arain, The Spartanite Herself. 

This is a post I have wanted to make for a while, it is a replica of the video I have on YT speaking about Narcs, Djinn, and, AI (ferrofluid/blackgoo) which got me a lot of attention and questions. Over a period of time, I have been connecting the dots to see what is holding people hostage aside the goo (which is the main cause) to become numb, apathetic, nasty, and, narcissistic. People have very little joy left in their life and want to bite at you when they see you happy and smiling. Suppose the misery loves company isn’t such a far fetched truth, after all.

It’s the online Cluster B Dark Triad triangle, of which most people hopelessly find themselves trapped in.

Pornography, Dating Apps, and, Social Media. 

All of these are addictions and Cluster B individuals (the psychos, basically) are ADDICTIVE in nature because they are utterly well versed in how to manipulate your neurotransmitters and dopamine responses to create the trauma bonds. It’s ugly, it’s dirty – I escaped it however it takes a concerted effort and a lifetime to recover from the mental damage it leaves you with.

Which is exactly why these 3 things are used as a stranglehold against people today.

There is a saying in one of the languages I speak “5 fingers on a hand, are not equal”. It simply means – that you can be related/friends with someone however in actual fact, you may be very different. It’s predominantly used for family, that just because you come from the same hand, doesn’t mean you behave the same way. Effectively, I will apply that methodology here.

Each of these “fingers” on this online dark triad hand, has a job – and it is a job to keep you sucked in permanently. They have been designed in mind to damage you and create psychic driving + neurosis in your mind, so you cannot function properly. The Cabal are not spending millions in R&D to pull fluffy bunnies out of a hat for amusement, they are expert generational Cluster B themselves and are ruthlessly determined to finish what is left of humanity.

Social Media is a hard one, it is how a lot of people keep in touch with others and for a business – promote themselves. There are shopfronts, videos, – you name it, and from the commercial perspective, it pulls in interested viewers who probably require a service. In this sense, it is used as a positive. There are also some good things – we learn about people in different countries, can buy cross border products/services, to a degree there is still some light uncensoring, however it’s done a fine job to make people antisocial, apathetic, and, entrenched in a gender war of men and women hating each other. It promotes narcissism to the highest degree, jealousy, insecurity, and, unlicensed competition.

Dating Apps are social media (everything listed above) with the added touch of taking advantage of the genuine human need for love and connection. I have lost count how many people I have helped heal and recover from the sheer rejection and mindfuckery that is on these dirty places – it is a predatory hunting ground and YOU are the product. They make a tremendous amount of money from people who both have good intentions trying their hand – as well as those who come to the grazing ground looking for their fresh meal (prey). Many have asked me the alternative solution to it, and I have often stated I wish I knew the answer because getting your mind fucked on a daily basis by numb, abused, detached, and, emotionally unavailable people, isn’t it. The amount of lovescams we read, of people absconding with money, and everything else, is past me.

Pornography – is really self-explanatory and the worst, ABSOLUTE WORST, addiction of them all. It is harder to break than any type of hard drugs, liquor, gambling, whatever – because it targets the human need for sex. Plain and simple. Predominantly created by Zionist gay producers in the Hollywood area (origins), it seeks to provide men a fantasy life that is devoid of normal healthy relations with a woman and create a significant level of deeper trauma and violent mental damage that is virtually impossible to recover from. From trafficking to rape, to black magick, and, other nefarious ways of keeping people HOOKED (the hooks are in your aura), porn offers it all. It increases heavy handed hatred and violence towards women – and keeps the sex trade flourishing and rampant of both women and children.

Porn has damaged most men of today beyond repair – it was introduced as the insidious tool through Playboy to kick off with and slowly has become what we see of it today. Many women often ask me about the men of today – and whilst I may have a lot to say about the deeper attack on men which I will be covering soon, porn covers many answers. Many women underestimate the sheer damage it leaves men with – and women who become addicted to it, equally become damaged, just in a different sense.

Reflecting on these 3 fingers of the same hand – I continue my investigations to discover the 2 left and my senses are – they are in broad daylight, just not as obvious.

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Tired of being a slave to yourself?

Desire to break free and take control over yourself?

Let’s talk!

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