I was finishing cooking the rice and mixing the ground walnuts into the sauce to thicken the chicken stew and just about checked my watch in time to head out to the event. The last thing you want to be, is late anywhere. Reputation matters…


6:26 PM GMT


“Pull your notepads out and you can write the rest”


The voice boomed from the stage into a dimly lit lecture-esque theater. Of course, in full Sparty fashion — I left my notebook in my other handbag and here I was with a rose perfume bottle, 3 pens, 2 chocolates, a banana, my phone, my purse, car & house keys, mints etc.


But no notepad. In the rush to get to the place on time after cooking a full lunch, it was now just sat at home.


Fantastic start.


And I am a writer, which made it even more joyful for my esteem…




I pulled up Gmail and opened an e-mail tab thinking “Godspeed to this e-mail lol” and began typing.


I share with you my notes in raw format, from the night 🙂


Please benefit and share if you find it helpful and apply it to your life.


We all have dreams. Every single person who comes across this blog post in their life has dreams. We have had dreams since we were kids. But along the way, homogenised culture beats it out of us. Along the way, we inherit emotions. Our caregivers, our parents, our families, our friends, all of them impact us. When you begin to become conscious that you want a life that LOOKS a certain way, you have to ask yourself why do you want it and most importantly, do you feel worthy of it? I am a woman who knows no one sitting in this huge theatre like room of at least 300 people. But I am a woman who wants to make a difference in her life and I want to make a difference to many people’s lives. I don’t just want to do this and that to have made money so I can show people I was sat on the beach because I have an Entrepreneurial life. I have no interest to buy expensive things to impress strangers I don’t even know or like. In saying this, I have to ask myself “Am I worthy of all that I truly deeply desire and want in my love? Am I worthy of a wonderful, loving, and successful man? Am I worthy of Spartanite being the company I desire it to be? Am I worthy to dispense this advice to people?”


The reality is that there are ALWAYS going to be things that stop me. And when I write this on Sparty Blog, I know as you read this, things that stop you too. As all I invest in, benefits you, who comes to read this blog as well. Worthiness, is such a deep aspect of fuckary, we often see it miss us. We look at someone else’s life and think “yeah! that’s what I want”. Do we really? I remember seeing a woman stood in Fairmonte Monte Carlo on Instagram. I think Monaco is a nice place to visit, lavish and grand. But do the people ever take the time to be thankful for what they were given? Do they have any other frame of reference aside big yachts and 500 euro whisky shots? Do they ever think about a life outside their bubble? I am here ON THIS PLANET, to learn about how to be a MEANINGFUL WOMAN with PURPOSE, A SPARTANITE who leads and serves others by doing it for herself first.


Worthiness also is linked to deserving. Do I ever feel ashamed telling someone that I feel DESERVING of a loyal, financially + spiritually wealthy, committed man, DESERVING of a million dollar brand, DESERVING of beauty and magick, as my birthright? I came into this world as a little beautiful happy baby girl, very deserving. But society would tell me I have to be stupid to attract a man as I grew up — God Forbid he thought I “out did him” or challenged him only because he was a man and “men are always right no matter what you do or say”, or I have to just about make do with things. This is not true and these are limiting beliefs that hurt so many women I see all over the world. The right people, love you in all your BRILLIANCE!


I am richly and witchly, deserving of all the magick I practice as it is my birthright and it is the birthright of you, who reads this equally.


Happiness and Peace isn’t something you have to fight for. It is FOR YOU 🙂


When I have made brave decisions to shut down stuff that doesn’t work, walk away from people, life has ALWAYS rewarded me with something better. I have made peace with many things and they have made peace with ME. Anything I commit myself to at a financial level, will benefit the love I have for myself, and the love I have for the special man who will one day get married to me. This means I am able to spread love and kindness to those who want to change their life path through me, I am a conduit of energy, of Divinity, of magickal essence, and this is exciting for me. I have to find the places, all the places, where I may not feel deserving of what my heart wants, and help heal her, so her healing and vibration, inspires many others. I have to heal my wounds and conflicts, so you, as you read this — may too, in turn, be healed and loved with deep gratitude and appreciation.


You have to learn to use your psychic gift and use it as a muscle at the gym. How are you beneficial to anyone if your gift is dimly lit? How are you able to reach out and turn up THEIR dial, if they cannot see you? Nadia, where do YOU hide, so you can rise into this pretty space from where you are noticed for your mission and how can you use Sparty Blog to do this more for OTHERS? The love you have for yourself, is exactly what you will give to others. What fears do you have that you must walk through, so you’re able to create MORE effortless magnetism and encourage others to walk through their fears as you did, to help them? Life isn’t a solitary pursuit. When we win, we send the elevator BACK DOWN, as it is our job to help those who want to be helped. Who want more for themselves.


Be the observer of PROSPERITY. Money is everywhere and be the observer of LOVE. Be the observer of all high frequency, but most of all, in this secret sauce, do you have FEARS of living your TRUE dream life? Does it still worry you that it will be taken from you again, the way so much was stolen from you before? Do you have the command to hold Spartanite at the base of the Ocean, so she does not move, come hell or high Pacific water? How bold can you be about your REALITY and how do you inspire this for all your clients, and the man who will one day be your divine mirror? Are you seeing what I see, or do you need to clear the mirror more and this time with better polish?


Your heart always knows the way. So does everyone you’re typing this out for.


*hits send*


For SERIOUS mentoring inquiries, spiritual/business consultations, writing projects and custom ritualistic work, feel free to reach out to me for assistance.

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