Javanese Sex Magick Made Simple
After receiving tonnes of wonderful compliments on my initial posting Ritualistic Sex Magick , I decided to create another one today! Sex magick is one of
Using Psychic Ability To Decipher PERFECT Con Artistry
Psychic ability is one of those things that is like a bulletproof vest, but on the inside. As you keep strengthening your intuition, you will
What Causes People To Chronically Underearn?
This is a topic that is widely asked by a lot of people, especially women in many circles–when you realise that you actually have a
5 Hidden Signs Of Poverty Consciousness + Solving Them
Poverty consciousness, is a topic that I rarely speak on, because it’s affluent counterpart — Wealth Consciousness, is far nicer to cover. Someone asked me
The Nature Of Money — Guest Post Submission by Carla
This is a guest post submission from Spartanite Carla, based in Canada. I am honoured to share her work on the Spartanite platform. I trust
Why Do People Work Jobs + Live Lives They HATE?
Life is a very strange thing. Whilst most people feel that there is no escape from the misery and drudgery of every day life, some
Why Do Men Suddenly Leave A Relationship?
This is a question that MOST women (including myself), have asked at one point or another. Everything is going fine, and then suddenly, one day—the
What Is It Costing You Not To Financially Transform Yourself?
Through many of my financial workings, dispensing unconventional, NON-BORING and RAPID FIRE RESULT financial guidance, has now become a past-time hobby favourite of mine. So
Why Do You Attract Emotionally Unavailable Men?
As a diviner, psychic and part relationship counsellor (and I do this practically for most of the week), the TOP TEN questions women often ask
A Spartanite Publication : WINNING Feat. Clauneck
Super excited to share that my new book WINNING — CREATE THE LIFE YOU DESERVE THROUGH CHARM, MAGNETISM AND STRATEGY, was released a few days
Why There Is Zero Competition In Success Consciousness
“Success Consciousness is simple to achieve, once a person realises what they need to let GO of.” — Belvia Belvia and I, were walking towards
Do Good Men Exist + How Can I Attract Them?
Many women, on their journey to possess balance and equality with themselves, come from unconscious parenting, whereby the negative masculine traits that have been amplified