The Connection of Dark Feminine Energy and Sexy Money Flow

Oooh. Sexy Money Flow. Yummy 😉 As Spartanite deeply addresses healthy money flow, better sex and Goddess empowerment, lots of women often hold back their voice because apparently voicing your truth, is “masculine”. This alone, could not be further from the truth. Feminine GODDESS Empowerment, is strong, sexy, FEMININE and filled with orgasmic creative joy, […]

10 Money Laws To Follow For Financial Prosperity

Money, has it’s own rules, laws and habits, that most people unconsciously violate. People then wonder why they fail at the money game, but its simply because the Cabal is doing everything in it’s power to keep you dumb and easy to control through the poisons in your food, water and air. With that and […]

5 Ways To Become Fluent In The Love Language Of Money

Many of the old wise scriptures, they have correctly ascertained that the matter of life and death, resides in the tongue. Each time, I am aroused to be upset or angry, I often fall completely silent because I do not want to be at a place where I curse myself. Yes. One can easily curse […]

How Does BIG MONEY Transform Your Life?

I spent major time reflecting the other day, about my whole life. The past, present and where I wish to go and I thought about YOU. Is or isn’t that Ironic? I am always brought back to the Spartanite Roundtable in which women who have committed themselves to do that life work, end up showing […]

The Hidden Reason Women Don’t Make BIG Money

Women are notoriously known for NOT making BIG money and when we do, it always seems to be the Corporate Bitch who has done it. Where does that leave most women, and more importantly–what MESSAGE does it send out for us? Firstly, am I saying every woman that works in Corporate, is a bitch? Not […]

Why Your Father Contributes To Your Money Story

I debated long and hard before I decided to write this today. I know this post is going to really trigger up some ugly and nasty wounds. But anyways, here goes… Today is Father’s Day! I want to celebrate all the MEN who HAVE BEEN A GOOD FATHER! Some of you Ladies, like myself–do not […]

The Secret Strategy That Leads To Success

I had a conversation with someone this morning, who was asking about direction in her career overall, as I was reading for her, and something really interesting came up. As we were talking, she said that she had 5 different ideas and didn’t know what to pick. She was very exasperated and looked flustered and […]

Why Some People Make Money & Others Don’t…

I had one of the most interesting conversations with CK, my Spirit Wealth Mentor, last night. As I was eating some honey and cinnamon glazed doughnuts I had made earlier, I started thinking about WHY I see some people make money with relative ease and others struggle. This is a topic I have touched on […]

What Scarcity Programming Does To Repel Wealth

I had a good long conversation with my mentor the other day, and decided to see what was the deal with scarcity programming and why I feel so many people struggle with Wealth. Scarcity programming, is possibly the simplest thing to understand because the normal default in the world that has been perpetuated generally. People […]

How Gresham’s Law Affects Your Money

People who have done their Financial education, have to know what Gresham’s Law in, especially in the times we live in. In Roman Times, (we are still in them, you just don’t know it..), they used good money to drive out bad money. How does this work? Well, with the gold coins, they kept sneakily […]