Why Some People Make Money & Others Don’t…

I had one of the most interesting conversations with CK, my Spirit Wealth Mentor, last night. As I was eating some honey and cinnamon glazed doughnuts I had made earlier, I started thinking about WHY I see some people make money with relative ease and others struggle. This is a topic I have touched on […]

What Scarcity Programming Does To Repel Wealth

I had a good long conversation with my mentor the other day, and decided to see what was the deal with scarcity programming and why I feel so many people struggle with Wealth. Scarcity programming, is possibly the simplest thing to understand because the normal default in the world that has been perpetuated generally. People […]

Why Do People Block Money?

Money avoidance is a very common topic for most people, because the painful sores around money that we carry, are very hurtful and left unchecked, spread out into a full infection. If you are reading this, you full well know at some point in your life before you began your money journey, you have avoided […]

The Truth About Money Is…

This is an incredibly loaded statement because everyone’s truth actually varies. What we think the truth is, often becomes the Truth for us. This is inverted Satanism, in other words that Natural Law can be decided by what we feel and think. Someone who is heavily in a poverty mindset, who struggles with money will […]

Why Women Are Financially Stagnant

In all my travels, I have found women to be incredibly financially stuck and stagnant, one ranging from not even knowing she has a problem to another who desperately takes one coaching course after the next and doesn’t get why she STILL has no money in her account. The answer is very simple. It all […]

Why Financial Struggle Means Success

Financial Struggle is something that every person who choose a path outside of the Matrix will face. There is Natural Law, that when you are Spiritual, you learn to follow and with that comes the struggle of not plugging yourself in the system. When I, as a Spartanite, fell on hard times—being without decent cashINflow, […]

How Alchemy Is Used In Creating Money

A lot of people wonder how they can connect Alchemy to Money. After all, isn’t alchemical science studying about mutable forms in terms of what can be found deep in the Earth, not to mention Astrological aspects that will assist you to understand seasons, planets and people much better? And yet, so many women struggle […]

Why Wealth Frequency Repels Poverty

As a woman who has seen both sides of this coin, this is a post I could have never written if I hadn’t understood what it’s like to flat out completely have no money once in my life. I feel sad for people who have never seen hungry and broke, because if you can escape […]

How People Block Receiving Money

The world we live in, is so interesting. Money is often a taboo subject for people because people attach shame, immorality and a sense of dirtiness to it. If you have not done your emotional and spiritual work around money, by default you are going to be trapped in a low vibration of money that […]

Why Debt Has Nothing To Do With Money

Probably one of the more refined articles I write (and confusing), because in modern society, we are led to believe that debt is money that we actually owe someone back, and yet that is the least of the issues. Debt is actually energy that people take from others, and more than anything, take from themselves […]