As a woman who possesses a very strong, and robust relationship with one of the chief Spirits of the Verum,— Clauneck, has come to serve me well over the years. Clauneck has assisted me in many of my wealth workings, my wealth mindsets and keeping me strong and positive to navigate life. Clauneck has […]
Confidence vs Arrogance : Which Is Which In This Crazy World?

La cartomancie nous montre tout. (Cartomancy shows us everything.) Le bon, le mauvais, le moche… (The good, the bad, the ugly…) As an aficionado of the Esteem Empowerment and Steel Slat Confidence realms, I have often walked, wandered round, and trapezed thinking of the variant differences between Confidence and Arrogance. We live in […]
Do You Dare To Make Things Happen in Life, Love, &, Business?

Life is a series of carefully constructed mazes, challenges, traps, and the odd occasion of the complimentary pistachio icecream bowl we miraculously “find! :D” — Me, Nadia — to a cab driver on the way to the airport as we were sat in traffic. Daring to make something happen, isn’t for those who have […]
King Clauneck — “Fear Is Not An Option In Life : Stop Using It”

Fear is one of the lowest vibrations. It makes your body contract, shrivel up, and constrict. The only beneficial fear, is fear you feel when your life is in Danger. Run for your life, and don’t ever look back. Don’t override your fear in this instance. Your fear is there to save you. […]
Assyrian Magickal Money Codes : Creating Wealth Through NATURAL LAW

As an Occultist and Entrepreneur combined, my approach to money; is exceptionally different to the average person and even to most successful Entrepreneurs. Money is merely a number for most, money is an ally and a friend to me. Because I am aware that money is magickal energy that has a voice, can talk, […]
How To Take Inspired Action For Your Business Through Active Meditation

When One stares at the Chessboard, and the pawns stand out to you, all can look unique. All can look the same. Business, is exactly the same terminology. The very nature of Business lends you to think on your feet, flat on your back, and during intimate moments of gushing water pouring down […]
The Iron Ring of Financial Success : Weak Mind or Weak Wallet?

As a patronage of the Iron Ring Mentality, writing in the heat and the darkness simultaneously, is a certain flare of excitement, eroticism, and desire. Today lends for an important mentality switch that most on their path to Success, miss out. Upon building the foundations of whatever you choose to, be it Business or […]
Aggrandizing Success With A Growth Based Mentality By Eliminating Limitation

When you set out to do grand things in life, small minded people will always do their best to come with their 2 cents of jaded criticism and find something wrong with you. Ironically enough, you will never find someone doing something MORE than you, trying to hold you back. A while back, one of […]
Entrepreneurship, Self-Care & Honouring Your Body

Self-Care, is a topic that few people in the Entrepreneurial worlds, want to pay attention to. There is no bigger wealth than health, and I, implore anyone NOT to trick and tempt fate to find this out the hard way. I have seen many people go down this gauntlet, I had to go […]
Men Make Money & Women Receive It : Striking The Primordial Yin/Yang Financial Balance

Occult Money, is always a deep, expansive topic that I love covering. Most especially when I teach it. Because the Yin/Yang nature of this primordial world is so out of structure in so many ways that would take me endless lifetimes to address, when I sat surrounded by nothing but lush greenery today, the […]