Creating Financial Stability WITH Life Freedom

Creating Financial Stability with LIFE Freedom, is one of the most challenging things that the modern person strives and aspires to achieve. Unless you come from a wealthy family, which most people do not — money is constantly top of the agenda to “strive” towards. This striving towards money, is a good thing, but it […]

How To Create Abundance From a Place Of Scarcity

This is one of my favourite topics to write on. I woke up this morning and thought to myself “Wow. So all lack is just basically believing an abundance of something doesn’t exist”. How fascinating. People traditionally think that abundance means money, but it doesn’t. It means plentiful. One can be abundant in their love […]

How To Reprogramme Your Mind To Attract Money

We are living in a time, where MONEY (the actual possession of it), has become exceedingly scarce for most people. This is NOT by accident. What you are witnessing, is a slow submerge of the global population, into complete misery, scarcity, and annihilation. Personally, if I could live without an abundance of money, I certainly […]

Why Being an Entrepreneur Is So Challenging

Entrepreneurship, is a survival technique for most.   It is the last stop for those of us whom institutions, schools, universities, workplaces etc — cannot tame. If you have gone through all these filters like I did, and was bored shitless, that is wonderful news! 😀 You probably have it in you to work for […]

How To Break Black Magic/Witchcraft + Removal Of Low Spirits

So this is a WELL OVER DUE blog post that I find myself writing.  Most people’s lives are in absolute SHAMBLES, because they have been cursed, hexed, magick has been done on them, they have low spirits attached on them –and this very witchcraft has DESTROYED PEOPLE’S LIVES, BEYOND HUMAN COMPREHENSION. I speak from experience […]

How To Embrace Shiny Penny Syndrome & Succeed

As I lay in my bed a few nights ago, I thought of Shiny Penny Syndrome. I had a whole monologue going on inside my head and I wanted to cover this issue that every Spartanite faces, myself included. In life, a Spartanite is used to dimming herself down and hiding her talents –to please […]

Why There Is Zero Competition In Success Consciousness

“Success Consciousness is simple to achieve, once a person realises what they need to let GO of.” — Belvia Belvia and I, were walking towards an exhibition centre today and munching on some food, and she said that to me. I was going to a self development exhibition and what I found there, was exactly […]

A Spartanite Publication : WINNING Feat. Clauneck

Super excited to share that my new book WINNING — CREATE THE LIFE YOU DESERVE THROUGH CHARM, MAGNETISM AND STRATEGY, was released a few days back, with much Success! A few weeks ago, I was called to write this book by none other than the Goetic Being, Clauneck. You can find his articles here, and […]

What Is It Costing You Not To Financially Transform Yourself?

Through many of my financial workings, dispensing unconventional, NON-BORING and RAPID FIRE RESULT financial guidance, has now become a past-time hobby favourite of mine. So much so, teaching OTHERS how to generate money, made ME money. I consider that a win-win situation, I help and am helped! WITH THAT SAID — WHAT IS IT COSTING […]

Why Do People Work Jobs + Live Lives They HATE?

Life is a very strange thing. Whilst most people feel that there is no escape from the misery and drudgery of every day life, some people decide to take life into their own hands and create it as they see fit. I woke up this morning at 6 am, and was half asleep lying in […]