Why Do People Work Jobs + Live Lives They HATE?

Life is a very strange thing. Whilst most people feel that there is no escape from the misery and drudgery of every day life, some people decide to take life into their own hands and create it as they see fit. I woke up this morning at 6 am, and was half asleep lying in […]

The Nature Of Money — Guest Post Submission by Carla

This is a guest post submission from Spartanite Carla, based in Canada. I am honoured to share her work on the Spartanite platform. I trust you will enjoy her musings on generating money <3 “Greetings Spartanites! I hope you all are doing well and learning from all the jewels Nadia has given us. Nadia is […]

5 Hidden Signs Of Poverty Consciousness + Solving Them

Poverty consciousness, is a topic that I rarely speak on, because it’s affluent counterpart — Wealth Consciousness, is far nicer to cover. Someone asked me the other day what Hidden signs of poverty consciousness I was aware of, aside the obvious one of being cheap. I thought long and hard about it and then proceeded […]

What Causes People To Chronically Underearn?

This is a topic that is widely asked by a lot of people, especially women in many circles–when you realise that you actually have a problem with money. You may notice that someone may always struggle with the topic of finances, but under-earning is a whole another story. Some people make very good money, and […]

Interview With Nadia Arain — Brand India Magazine Spartanite FEATURE

It is always so exciting to share all Spartanite Media Publications and today is no different 🙂 I was approached by Brand India Magazine WOMEN 3.0, for an exclusive interview about my Entrepreneurial journey as well as SPARTANITE, the brand itself and it thrills me to share this with you! Empowering other individuals, to rapid, […]

King Clauneck & Your Conscious Wealth Thoughts

As a woman who possesses a very strong, and robust relationship with one of the chief Spirits of the Grimorium Verum & Dictionnaire Infernale,— Clauneck, has come to serve me well over the years. Clauneck has assisted me in many of my wealth workings, my wealth mindsets and keeping me strong and positive to navigate […]

Life After Sludge Demonic Possession — Breaking Black Magick Off Clients

The “Life After Sludge Demonic Possession” posts I have, both on this blog and on Medium, are a multitude in education for people who are not familiar with the nature of evil djinn and what they can do to a person in a lifetime. This is sort of like a public survivor documentary for me […]

King Clauneck & How To Improve Your Money Story

As a woman who possesses a very strong, and robust relationship with one of the chief Spirits of the Grimorium Verum,— Clauneck, has come to serve me well over the years. Clauneck has assisted me in many of my wealth workings, my wealth mindsets and keeping me strong and positive to navigate life. Improving your […]

Embracing Wealth Consciousness by Matrix Repatterning

Working with the Occult Eye (Third Eye), is crucial to being able to create powerful Wealth Consciousness, in an ethical, sustainable way that doesn’t go around profiting from other people’s misery nor take advantage of others. The very reason it is so hard to make and hold onto money is because the Cabal (your ruling […]

Summoning Clauneck — The World of Fang and Claw

As a woman who possesses a very strong, and robust relationship with one of the chief Spirits of the Grimorium Verum,— Clauneck, has come to serve me well over the years. Clauneck has assisted me in many of my wealth workings, my wealth mindsets and keeping me strong and positive to navigate life. He is […]