Divine Sexuality, has a big part to play when it comes to a person’s finances. Especially from a Spiritual standpoint. 


Now, this post isn’t for people who want to be all out left brained about calculating their sums of whatever comes in and out (adding up all the fun bits in-between). One of my friends had a good conversation with me about this 2 weeks back and I felt inspired to put this up as many people have solicited my guidance through consultations, through this. I will share the jist of it, the depth of doing the real energy work to create this in your life — however, is a different story. You can contact me directly, if interested 🙂


Seeing that many people, and their mainframe of sex, is pornography; it comes as no surprise that the phrase of EROTIC DEPTH, would perplex an individual. Think of sex, and immediately words like kink, fetishes, porn, taboo — etc etc show up. This is all mind control programming and people are operating from a dimension of only being able to be stuck in that subconscious mental landscape because it is the only way they feel they can express whatever sexuality they have. Far from being a person who wants to regulate people’s sexual behaviours (we have dogma in religion for that lol), you can have all the above but still lack the fundamentals of erotic depth, which is actually creating safety for a person to really EMOTIONALLY open up to you. Sexually opening up, is pretty easy. You can dissociate and disconnect from your body as most people do. Being PRESENT in the body, is another book for me to write. Thighs up!


Casual sex, is an oxymoron within one’s own linguistics. There is absolutely NOTHING casual about sex, and the spirit of every person, soon comes to figure this out though their nutcase behaviour afterwards. When you sleep with someone — their spirit ENTERS the course of your body, hence intercourse — meaning, you have no damn IDEA what they may be leaving within your body. Most people sleep with others fast, because they have been programmed to do so and also to compensate for a lack of RESPECT for one’s, self, and boundaries. Both men and women. People will either replenish or drain you, depending on what you’re bedding down with. A man can either sparkle and be filled with vigor and life after being with a certain type of woman, or have mindless sex for the sake of it. Many lower vibrational men will have sex for the sake of the thrill of the chase, because such is the masculine nature of wanting to pursue and conquer.


In recent times, the mix in the water and food, has turned increasingly amounts of men in Western society, feeling entitled and unable to do so. So women are left confused and also unaware of their own aggression that oozes out of every single pore. This is not a round on masculinity, and therein lack of it in the general male populace, although my writings have the tendency to detour and come back.


This is about knowing yourself so intimately, so that someone’s erotic depth, doesn’t frighten and intimidate you. Figuring out someone’s turn on, is an easy job. People do it everyday. Making them feel SAFE in their body and safe in your presence, is a whole another job. Most people are sexually unhealed, hence having sex with this type of individual, is a recipe for total disaster. Men don’t feel safe with women, hence everything is disconnected (I fucked her, I’m the man — oh but he knows deep down inside that he still feels empty as a tin) and women don’t feel safe with men (Fine, I’ll sleep with him and do what he wants but eh — the eh turns into overeating and depression)…and as a woman, let me tell every MAN reading this how much “EH” exists on the planet. It is a real overwhelming relief to relax in a man’s company at a sexual point, not because per se he knows what he’s doing and does it right (although it helps…)


It’s more about not feeling the need to PERFORM to IMPRESS him. 


Women are told from when we are very young, our WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE, is to be lived to impress and gain a man’s favour. It’s an incredibly redundant and boring concept (and Feminism took it way too far…). Every magazine, everything –written is about impressing men. Do yourself a favour if you’re a woman reading this. Impress and please your own self. Men are used to women pleasing them. **What a man is often surprised by, is a woman who truly pleases herself. She inspires ALLURING ATTRACTION and DEVOTION from the Masculine, be it him stepping forward to make it known or heralding her in high regard due to the Priestess respect she provides her own self and seeing her from afar, thinking of how to approach her without messing it up for himself.


** Signifying, this is not an approximation or invitation for women to read this, abuse powers, and begin behaving in low-class, trashy, and, cheap behaviours telling men that they don’t need them or whatever. No one wants your “bad bitch — look at me, I am so independent”  angry masculine energy, it’s repulsive and embarrassing to the feminine spirit. Pleasing yourself means carrying yourself with confidence, boundaries, standards, self-love, respect, and, respect for men who are emotionally healthy. Independence is a healthy trait for a woman when you’re not trying to compete with a man or worse of all, BE ONE.


Erotic Depth, is the meeting of one’s own self in a way where you don’t care what happens, you’re present. I will never forget a guy once asked me confused “my girlfriend cried afterwards, omg did I say or do something wrong? I’m worried.” — the answer is atypically, no. Now unless the man was using force or said something awful, the tears in erotic depth, flow from being SEEN. Many women know how incredibly selfish a man can be in bed, so when not only is he NOT, but he is present in the Masculine DIVINE, the relief allows the body to relax, hence the tears (for all the men making notes lol). Most men would simply panic thinking what has happened but the DARK MASCULINE DIVINE just learns to be THERE and provide comfort. And that takes a certain depth of a man KNOWING HIS OWN SELF (meaning he faces and sits with all the unholy emotions inside HIMSELF he wants to run from)


Combine this out with the money alignment, many would be wondering why I say Erotic Depth that stems from Divine Sexuality, is key. The answer is simple. There is only so much surface shit you can give someone. Only so many fancy luxury products, or whatever — before there is a sense of wanting to pierce the veil and swim the deep, dark depths or something you can only sense but not place a finger on. The same goes with money. Money has many names we can address it has, however it has that UNMISTAKABLE energy just like Erotic Depth. It allows for a sense of EXPANSION in a way that is hard to explain and put in words.


Many people simply think that they want the fancy lifestyle of money of what they see (of who THEY THINK a wealthy person is). You see, maybe if I just got the fancy boat, lived in a rich area, and eat like them and had so much to spend, I’d be that too. There are MECHANICS to being successful with money, mechanics that just like an artfully skilled lover — takes years to practice in master. They are addressed as the Nouveau Riche, for a reason. Money has so many responsibilities, that it is just subconsciously easier to blame the rich, feel angry at them because God Forbid, you actually had to DO THE WORK to bring it in, and furthermore? Retain it.


The alignment of money also comes from being SEEN.


Many of us have deep blocks of really being SEEN for who we are, and let us fucking meet someone who sees us clearer than the dental x-rays we took, what do most people do? Run. I am spiritually gifted myself and even for myself sometimes it’s a mouthful to get used to someone who has MY gift in equal quarts to see ME. No one wants to be SEEN in the depth of their soul minus a word said because you feel exposed. The type of seen, I am referring to here — is someone hiding their true own self because no one in the world, they feel, every cares to understand them any deeper. It is a relief when you hide so much in your heart and long to be seen, that someone DOES see you. But equally, it is scary hence you have to be respectful and ethical of people’s BOUNDARIES, if you practice my type of work.


Erotic Depth, always makes me question on how people desire money but make themselves invisible to it? How we can desire genuine love, but we don’t feel worthy of it, or deeply ashamed? Ashamed that we’re somehow not perfect to be with someone in front of us that we like? Feeling never good enough? Sexuality is the CORE emotion of every human, for it is the thread of how we all size each other up by. Aesthetics and a hot body, misses NO ONE — not even the most “Oh I prefer personality”. Lol, please. The more you admit and allow yourself to feel the sexual charge, the more you can ask yourself — about how you repress your desire for wealth (no matter what your station, we can always better ourselves!)


Just as erotic depth, has it’s own rules; so does money. 


You can either choose to blame, which is easier (but keeps you trapped). Or free yourself and take that deep dive into understanding how free flowing sexual currents, are the direct alignment of money.


As always, in life; the choice, is always, always — yours.


What will you choose?


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